Thursday, May 15, 2008



Although many candidates dread them, job interview questions are wonderful things! They are your greatest opportunity to prove to the interviewer that you are the best person for the job!

The key is to give better answers than anyone else. To do this, you must:

(1) Anticipate likely questions;

(2) Develop excellent answers;

(3) Practice!

Be enthusiastic and confident when responding to questions. Don't rush your answers, but don't ramble on and on, either. Try to, um, avoid, like, using unnecessary words, right? And um, repeating yourself or, like, annoying phrases, you know?

A good technique is to write out your answers to the questions you anticipate, then edit them to make them more concise. Then practice your polished answers out loud, over and over. If you can have someone help you do a "mock interview," that would be the best way to do this.

Most questions will relate either to your ability to do the job or to the type of employee you will be. Here's one that is very commonly used to help the interviewer learn about both:

"Tell me a little about yourself."

When responding to this request, you should focus on both your personal and professional values. Always be honest, but talk about your best traits only, especially those that relate to the position for which you are applying. Highlight experiences and accomplishments you are most proud of. Here's an example:

"I'm an experienced communications specialist with extensive knowledge of public information tools and techniques. I've developed comprehensive communication plans for major public events, written dozens of articles accepted by worldwide publications, and created specialized educational programs for adults and students. I am always eager to learn new methods and procedures, and have implemented continuous improvement techniques in my past positions that saved money and increased productivity. I like working with people and enjoy group projects, but am also a self-starter who doesn't mind working on my own. I'm a volunteer with the local chapter of Special Olympics and enjoy participating in community events. My goals are to complete my Master's Degree and broaden my experiences with community relations."

Remember to tailor your response to the specific job. By studying the job announcement, you'll get a good idea of the skills and experience being sought. Work those into your response.

Consider this your own personal commercial. If the interview consisted of only this ONE chance to sell yourself, what would you say?

"What do you feel has been your greatest work-related accomplishment?"

Choose one example from your past that was important to you and helped the company you worked for. Give specific details about what you did, how you did it, and what the results were. Try to pick an accomplishment that relates to the position for which you are applying. Employers like to hear about accomplishments that reduced expenses, raised revenues, solved problems or enhanced a company's reputation.

"What is your greatest strength?"

This is a great chance to highlight your best skills. Don't pick just one, focus on your top three or four. Some examples are: leadership skills, team-building skills, and organizational skills. Determine which strengths would fit best with the position for which you are applying. For example, if the job announcement stresses the ability to handle multiple tasks, you could say: "I'm good at organizational skills, prioritization and time management. But my greatest strength is my ability to effectively handle multiple projects and deadlines."

"What is your greatest weakness?"

Be careful with this one. Most interview guides will tell you to answer it with a positive trait disguised as a weakness. For example, "I tend to expect others to work as hard as I do," or "I'm a bit of a perfectionist." Interviewers have heard these "canned" answers over and over again. To stand out, be more original and state a true weakness, but then emphasize what you've done to overcome it. For example: "I've had trouble delegating duties to others because I felt I could do things better myself. This has sometimes backfired because I'd end up with more than I could handle and the quality of my work would suffer. But I've taken courses in time management and learned effective delegation techniques, and I feel I've overcome this weakness."

IMPORTANT: Be sure the weakness you talk about is NOT a key element of the position!

"How do you handle stressful situations?"

Give some examples of stressful situations you've dealt with in the past. Tell how you use time management, problem-solving or decision-making skills to reduce stress. For example, tell them that making a "to-do" list helps. Site stress-reducing techniques such as stretching and taking a break. Don't be afaid to admit that you will ask for assistance if you are feeling overwhelmed.

If it's true, say you actually work better under pressure.

"What is the toughest problem you've had to face, and how did you overcome it?"

Try to make this about a problem that faced your company and not just you or your particular work group. The bigger the problem, the better. Give specific examples of the skills and techniques you used to resolve this problem. Emphasize the successful results. Be generous in sharing credit if it was a team effort, but be sure to highlight your specific role.

"Have you ever had to discipline a problem employee? If so, how did you handle it?"

This is a likely question if the position for which you are applying requires supervisory duties. Explain how you used problem-solving skills, listening skills, and coaching skills to help the employee. If those techniques turned the employee around, be sure to say so. If those techniques failed, tell how you followed the company's policies and what the end result was.

"Why do you want this position?"

Here's where your research about the company will help you stand out among the other candidates. Explain how you've always wanted the opportunity to work with a company that... provides a vital public service, leads the industry in innovative products, whatever... find something specific about that company that you can tie in with your answer. Explain how your qualifications and goals complement the company's mission, vision and values (use specific examples). If you are applying for a position in a company for which you already work, explain how you'll be able to apply and expand on the knowledge and experience you've gained from your current position, and will be able to increase your contributions and value to the company through your new responsibilities.

"Why are you the best person for this job?"

As with all other questions, be confident and enthusiastic when you answer this. Don't try to say you are the best qualified person, because you don't know the qualifications of the other applicants. Instead, emphasize several reasons why you should be hired. For example: "I've got extensive experience in [name the appropriate field] and have the specific skills you are looking for. I'm a fast learner who adapts quickly to change and will hit the ground running. I'm dedicated and enthusiastic about helping your company meet its goals, and will provide top-quality results with minimal oversite. I'm an outstanding performer who takes pride in my work. You won't have any regrets when you hire me."


Interview questions and answers can only be predicted and prepared for to a certain extent. There are endless variations and no way to know every question in advance. But that doesn't matter. Because you know there will be unexpected questions, you will not cringe or freak out when they pop up, as some applicants will. Instead, you will turn them into opportunities to shine even more brightly.

No one knows you better than you. Memorize a list of your best features, your best selling points. Use every opportunity and unexpected question to mention these.

Realize that sometimes what you say isn't as important as how you say it. Be confident, enthusiastic, and remember to smile often.


Often the interviewer's last question is, "Do you have any questions for me?" Candidates who do not have questions show a lack of initiative and give the impression that they have minimal interest in the position. Stand out from those lazy job seekers by asking questions!

Have your questions ready in advance. Relate them to the company or its accomplishments/challenges (your research of the company will show and further impress the interviewer). Don't ask any question that shows that you have not done your research about the company.

Do not ask questions related to you, such as "When will I be eligible for my first raise?" or "How often will I be subjected to a performance review?" Don't bring up money. (You can do that after you are offered the job.)

In addition to specific questions you develop based on what the company does, here are some sample generic questions:

What do you enjoy most about working here?

Be sure the person you ask actually works for the company. Some organizations, especially public agencies, have interview panels in which employees from other agencies participate.

Is there anything I've mentioned that makes you think I'm not the best candidate for this job?

If they do mention something that's bothering them about you, such as lack of specific experience, this gives you a last-ditch effort to change their opinion about you. If you've thought about your possible weaknesses in advance, you should have a prepared answer to those weaknesses. For example, "I know I have limited experience in this field, but what I lack in specific experience I make up for in enthusiasm and desire to excel. I'm a fast learner and I'll work harder than anyone else to be a top producer on your team."

When do you expect to make your final decision?

Be sure to ask that! Failure to do so may give the impression that you're not that interested, and you need to know when to follow up.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Interview Questions: Work History

Interview Questions: Work History

Name of company, position title and description, dates of employment.

Interviewers expect a candidate for employment to be able to review their work history in detail. Be prepared to tell the interviewer the names of the companies you worked for, your job title, your starting and ending dates of employment, how much you earned and what your job entailed.

You'd be surprised how many job applicants fumble when asked about prior employment. Don't be one of them! Refresh your memory prior to the interview by reviewing your resume, so, you can speak about your prior work history in detail and accurately.

If you don't have a resume, make sure what you tell the interviewer matches what you filled out on your job application. The best way to prepare is to download a sample job application ahead of time.

Complete the sample application and bring it with you when you are applying for employment. This way you will be able to copy the information rather than having to remember dates and other employment information.


What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met?

In many cases, interviewers will want to know what you expected from your last job when you were hired, so, be be prepared to answer the interview question "What were your expectations for the job and to what extent were they met?"

There isn't a right or wrong answer to this question. The best way to respond is to discuss what you expected when you took the job and give examples of how the position worked out for you. If the job wasn't exactly what you expected, it's fine to mention that. However, you should focus on the job itself, not the company, your boss, or your co-workers (if they were a problem). Do be careful how you answer and don't focus too much on the negative. Instead, address the highlights of the job.

When responding, be specific. Prepare some examples to share with the interviewer in advance.

For example, if your job involved creating web applications using Cold Fusion, discuss the specific programs you developed and the responsibilities you were given. If you were provided training and opportunities for professional development to help you achieve your goals, mention that, as well.

What were your starting and final levels of compensation?

Interviewers expect a candidate for employment to be able to provide the details of their compensation history. Be prepared to tell the interviewer how much you earned at each of your prior positions.

Make sure that what you tell the interviewer matches what you listed on your job application. Refresh your memory prior to the interview by reviewing your compensation history, so, you can speak in detail and accurately. Don't exaggerate or inflate your earnings. Many employers will check references and confirm your salary history prior to making a job offer. A discrepancy between what you reported and what the employer says could knock you out of contention for the job.

The best way to prepare is to download a sample job application ahead of time.

Complete the sample application and review it prior to the interview.

What were your responsibilities?

When you are asked questions related to your current or previous positions, it's important to be specific and to be positive about what you did in your previous position(s).

The best way to respond is to describe your responsibilities in detail and to connect them to the job you are interviewing for. Try to tie your responsibilities in with those listed in the job description for the new position. That way, the employer will see that you have the qualifications necessary to do the job. Focus most on your responsibilities that are directly related to the new job's requirements.

It's also important to be honest. Don't embellish your job, because you don't know who the hiring manager will be checking with when they check your references.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Job Interview Questions About the New Job and the Company

What interests you about this job?

When you're asked what interests you about the position you are interviewing for, the best way to respond is to describe the qualifications listed in the job posting, then connect them to your skills and experience. That way, the employer will see that you know about the job you're interviewing for (not everyone does) and that you have the qualifications necessary to do the job.

For example, if you were interviewing for a Human Resources Manager job where you would be responsible for recruiting, orientation, and training, you will want to discuss how you were responsible for these functions in your past positions, and why you are interested in continuing to develop your expertise in Human Resources management.

Another example would be if you were interviewing for a Programmer / Analyst position.

In that case, you would mention your interest in learning and excelling at new technologies, your experience in programming both new applications, and your interest in and your ability to problem solve.

In all cases, you will want to convey your enthusiasm for the opportunity to interview, along with your solid ability to do the job.

Why Do You Want This Job?

Why Do You Want This Job? Why do you want this job? Are you prepared to answer this question in an interview? Career expert and author, Joyce Lain Kennedy, shares her best job interview answers to the question "Why do you want this job?"

Joyce Lain Kennedy is the nation's first syndicated careers columnist. Her work is distributed by Tribune Media Services and appears in more than 100 newspapers and web sites. In addition, Joyce is author of eight career-related books including Job Interviews for Dummies, where you can read additional excellent interview advice, Cover Letters for Dummies and Resumes for Dummies.

Keep in mind that you can customize these answers to fit your particular circumstances and the job you are applying for.

Joyce Lain Kennedy's sample answers to the interview question "Why do you want this job?"

This is not only a fine opportunity, but this company is a place where my qualifications can make a difference.

  • As a finance executive well versed in the new stock options law, I see this position as made to order. It contains the challenge to keep me on my toes. That's the kind of job I like to anticipate every morning.
  • I want this job because it seems tailored to my competencies, which include sales and marketing. As I said earlier, in a previous position I created an annual growth rate of 22 percent in a flat industry. Additionally, the team I would work with looks terrific.
  • I well understand that this is a company on the way up. Your Web site says the launch of several new products is imminent. I want be a part of this business as it grows.
  • Having worked through a college business major building decks and porches for neighbors, this entry-level job for the area's most respected home builder has my name on it.
  • As a dedicated technician, I like doing essential research. Being part of a breakthrough team is an experience I'd love to repeat.
  • This job is a good fit for what I've been interested in throughout my career. It offers a nice mix of short- and long-term activities. My short-term achievements keep me cranked up and the long-term accomplishments make me feel like a billion bucks.
  • I want this job selling theater tickets because I'd be good at it. I'm good at speaking to people and handling cash. I would like a job with regular hours and I'm always on time.
  • Although some companies are replacing Americans with imported low-wage workers, you are standing tall. This company's successful strategies, good reputation and values make it heads and shoulders above its competition.
  • I'd fit right in as a counter clerk in your fine drycleaners. I have observed that the counter clerk position requires competence at handling several activities in quick order -- customer service, payments, bagging and phones. I like multitasking and, as a homemaker, I have a lot of practice in keeping all the balls in the air.
  • The work I find most stimulating allows me to use both my creative and research skills. The buzz on this company is that it rewards people who deliver solutions to substantial problems.

What applicable attributes / experience do you have?

When you are asked questions related to the experience that qualifies you for the job, it's important to be very specific about your skills and experience.

The best way to respond is to describe your responsiblilities in detail and to connect them to the job you are interviewing for. Tie your responsibilities in with those listed in the job description for the new position. That way, the employer will see that you have the qualifications necessary to do the job. Focus most on your responsibilities that are directly related to the new job's requirements.

It's also important to be honest and accurate. Don't embellish your job, because you don't know who the hiring manager will be checking with when they check your references.

How Many Hours Do You Work

Be careful before you answer questions about how many hours a week you work. You don't want to be construed as a slacker or as someone who works too many hours. At some companies, the norm is a 40 hour week and everyone goes home on time. At others, everyone might work 50 or 60 hours a week.

However, working a lot of hours isn't necessarily a good thing - it could mean you're not productive enough to get the job done in a reasonable amount of time.

So, unless you're sure about the company culture and expectations, the safest answer is not to mention a certain number of hours. Rather, mention that you work as much as necessary to get the job done.


Job Interview Answers to Questions About You

Job Interview Questions About Yourself and Sample Answers

When the questions are "personal", about you, it can be a very slippery slope. The answers below are guidelines so you can write out your answers long before you go to the interview. Then, when the question is asked, you can take the few seconds (expected by the interviewer) to think about the question and how you will frame your answer (which you already know).

What would you do differently if you could start your working life over?
The interviewer is looking for a detour that continues to be a professional block in your career.
Looking back over my career, I would have returned to school much earlier to complete my Masters degree. Even though I got my degree later than I had originally anticipated, I never lost sight of the goal.

How do you balance life and work?
The interviewer wonders if you've made arrangements for the days when your child is too sick to go to school and/or daycare or if you're "out of there" as soon as it's quitting time.
Best Answer: Being organized helps me balance my professional life and personal life. Consequently, I can be fully engaged while I'm at work. For those unexpected times, I have a good back-up system of child care for my children.

What is your preferred way to communicate?
This is a good opportunity to show you understand the importance of adjusting your preferences when necessary.
At home, I enjoy talking on the phone and emails. At work, I follow the established pattern. Each of my bosses, in the past, has had a preferred method I've followed their lead.

Do you check voicemail and email when on vacation?
The interviewer is wondering whether they will always be able to find you.
Best Answer: While on vacation, I can be reached for emergencies; however, I also know the people with whom I work are very capable of making good decisions while I'm away. I understand the importance of recharging my battery.

What is your favorite book? How about your favorite movie? The interviewer wants to know whether you read to stay current and if you will you fit into the company culture.
Best Answer (include your personal favorites): I read many different kinds of books. My current "favorite" book is The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman. My favorite movie? Miracle on Ice.

What historical figure do you admire and why?
The interviewer wants to know whether you are well read and what characteristics you admire.
Best Answer (include historical figures you personally admire): Personally, I most admire Abigail Adams, John Adam's wife; professionally I admired the leadership style of Ronald Reagan.

What did you do during this six month gap in employment?
Everyone, at some point, will probably have a gap in employment. Do not "waste it".
Best Answer: For the first month, I worked on my "to do list" at home and accomplished a great deal. Then I began building a plan to reenter the workplace. While it took a little longer than I'd anticipated, I've learned a great deal about myself, am rested and looking forward to new challenges in the workplace.

What led you to this point in your life?
The interviewer wants to know if you are unhappy, frustrated, or lost?
My "road of life" has been interesting, sometimes challenging and always rewarding. The steps along the way that have led to this point in my life are, in some ways, very different than I had imagined; however, I like who I am today in part because of my past. An example is when the second company on my resume suddenly closed their doors during a down-turn in the economy. For a very brief time, the road ahead was unknown; however, I discovered I had previously untapped strengths such as perseverance.

What are the Most Difficult Decisions to Make?

There is no right or wrong answer to questions like "What are the most difficult decisions to make?" or "Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it." These are behavioral interview questions designed to discover how you handled certain situations. The logic behind these type of questions is that how you behaved in the past is a predictor of what you will do in the future.

Give concrete examples of difficult situations that actually happened at work. Then discuss what you did to solve the problem. Keep your answers positive ("Even though it was difficult when Jane Doe quit without notice, we were able to rearrange the department workload to cover the position until a replacement was hired.") and be specific.

Itemize what you did and how you did it.

The best way to prepare for questions where you will need to recall events and actions, is to refresh your memory and consider some special situations you have dealt with or projects you have worked on. You can use them to help frame responses. Prepare stories that illustrate times when you have successfully solved a difficult situation.

Do you take work home with you?

Do you take work home with you is a tricky question, be ready. The longer the answer, the bigger the hole you've dug.

Best Answer

When I need to, no problem. I realize the importance of meeting deadlines and getting work done on time.

Job Interview Answer: Describe a Typical Work Week

Interviewers expect a candidate for employment to discuss what they do while they are working in detail. Before you answer, consider the position you are applying for and how your current or past positions relate to it. The more you can connect your past experience with the job opening, the more successful you will be at answering the questions.

It should be obvious that it's not a good idea talk about non-work related activities that you do on company time, but, I've had applicants tell me how they are often late because they have to drive a child to school or like to take a long lunch break to work at the gym.

Keep your answers focused on work and show the interviewer that you're organized ("The first thing I do on Monday morning is check my voicemail and email, then I prioritize my activities for the week.") and efficient.

What are the most difficult decisions to make?

There is no right or wrong answer to questions like "What are the most difficult decisions to make?" or "Describe a difficult work situation / project and how you overcame it." These are behavioral interview questions designed to discover how you handled certain situations. The logic behind these type of questions is that how you behaved in the past is a predictor of what you will do in the future.

Give concrete examples of difficult situations that actually happened at work. Then discuss what you did to solve the problem. Keep your answers positive ("Even though it was difficult when Jane Doe quit without notice, we were able to rearrange the department workload to cover the position until a replacement was hired.") and be specific.

Itemize what you did and how you did it.

The best way to prepare for questions where you will need to recall events and actions, is to refresh your memory and consider some special situations you have dealt with or projects you have worked on. You can use them to help frame responses. Prepare stories that illustrate times when you have successfully solved a difficult situation.

How do you handle pressure?

A typical interview question, asked to get a sense of how you handle on-the-job stress, is "How do you handle pressure?" Examples of good responses include:

  • Stress is very important to me. With stress, I do the best possible job. The appropriate way to deal with stress is to make sure I have the correct balance between good stress and bad stress. I need good stress to stay motivated and productive.
  • I react to situations, rather than to stress. That way, the situation is handled and doesn't become stressful.
  • I actually work better under pressure and I've found that I enjoy working in a challenging environment.
  • From a personal perspective, I manage stress by visiting the gym every evening. It's a great stress reducer.
  • Prioritizing my responsibilities so I have a clear idea of what needs to be done when, has helped me effectively manage pressure on the job.
  • If the people I am managing are contributing to my stress level, I discuss options for better handling difficult situations with them.

It's a good idea to give examples of how you have handled stress to your interviewer. That way, they get a clear picture how well you can work in stressful situations.

What major challenges and problems did you face? How did you handle them?

When asked the job interview question "How did you handle a challenge?" be sure to include specific examples of how you handled a particular difficult situation. Discuss how you researched the issue and contributed to finding a solution. Examples of good responses include:

  • During a difficult financial period, I was able to satisfactorily negotiate repayment schedules with multiple vendors.
  • When the software development of our new product stalled, I coordinated the team which managed to get the schedule back on track. We were able to successfully troubleshoot the issues and solve the problems, within a very short period of time.
  • A long-term client was about to take their business to a competitor. I met with the customer and was able to change how we handled the account on a day-to-day basis, in order to keep the business.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Job interview skills

Job interview skills

Before the interview

- Research the organization to be wel informed of the company.

- Pan to sell three to five of your major strengths

- Prepare to answer possible questions/

Interview at Integrity Investments

Tell me about yourself, see if you could fit in

During the interview, be natural and indeed – establish eye contact and don’t across your harms and legs at the same times, set up straight and face your interviewer, avoid to be critical about your previous employers and others,

Tell me about your marketing experience

I have take a lot of writing courses, and then my college have a marketing major, so I did do a lot writing courses when I was in major in English literature, but since then I want to get in to marketing, so I interned at a magazine, and did a lot of go for different position, and I mave up to the copier editor in my magazine, and I also interned at an ad agency.

But as far as professional marketing, do you have any experience?

I have been, for the past couple of years, I’ve been collecting, you know, marketing campaign, sort of studying them, what tactics and technique they had that , you knew effective, especially learning about how the graphics combine with writing, and that sort of been studying on my own.

Focus on your strength and in the field, learn about the job responsibilities and company cultures to find out if the job is a good match for you.

Now you say that you do a lot of things outside in the theaters which songs great, but we sometimes get projects, that requires us to work late till evening, late hours, the deadline, you know the team really need to run around, usually the deadline is very straight. Tell me how you will handle the project if that will eat some of your social time.

That’s not a problem, because a lot of time, you know, plan and look ahead of your project,

So work the project on our schedule wouldn’t be a problem?

No, not at all, absolutely. I’m dedicated into get into marketing, like work in that field full time. Just because it’s so exiting, that you could do creative writing as well as marketing

Sometime the interviewer will test you abilities to think on your feet.

Let me set up a couple of for you, you tell me how you handle it.

This pen, sell me on the pen. Why should I buy this pen?

You should buy the pen because it’s stylish and professional, useful, I would probably show you how it work very well, you know the ink flow, how it’s, you know, very useful, economical and handy and you know, fits easily in the pocket.

Tell me sth else.

It comes variety of ink colors, and , you know, I would probably just stick with few points, you know, that was useful, comes in variety of different in colors, and it’s stylish.

Ok not bad, well, we are looking for someone who are work on the feet. And, you know, your resume speak of itself, we really need not only team player. We need some who really can work independently as well as with the team, and really just be own that sort of I’m looking for today.

I have been in a lot of positions that been given project, you know, fulfill them and done them really well,

And not afraid of new project, try sth that you havn’t been

Ask questions about career path, training and promotional policies. Conclude your interview positively

Ok, that went well, we’ll be looking for other candidates, I will be honest with you and say that some of them have a bit more marketing experiences than you. But we’ll be in touch with you in 2 weeks or so.

Thank you.

After the interview

- Make notes about the interview while it is fresh in your mind.

- Write a thank-you letter to the interviewer.

I think, overall, the interview went well, and I just think he asked a lot of tough questions that I wasn’t prepared for, and that I had to think on my feet, which get me a little bit stretch out. So overall, I think I answered them really well and I was poised and clear, and even though, I still don’t have the experience he was looking for. I do believe I talked about how many education and my internship, you know, previous jobs that were similar hopefully, that I did well. And I ‘ll get the job offer, I’’ll just keep my finger cross the

Well, that was went pretty well, first meet she seems obviously intelligent and pretty poised. 2 concerns of mine, lacking of marketing experience, of course, and you know we see a lot of , have a lot of hands on experience than she has. And of course the extra curricular theater stuff she was talking about. You know, we have project come up very quickly, and you know , we have team jump in it right away. Those are my concerns. As to her advantage, is she’s obviously very intelligent, she thinks very quick on her feet, and I was try to throw a couple of curve balls, and she went right for it, and that’s sth we very much looking for for our candidates, and you don’t see a lot , but she clearly is one of them. So we’ll be seeing her again for sure.

When you think about it, interview communications is just a special form of sells communication. While you are selling is yourself. Employers have particular expectations of resumes and letters about applications should look like. So this is the case where every word really counts and the techniques about 3 by 3 writing process become really critical. A job interview, is a sells call. And like any sells call, you have to prepare for it. Then get a good night sleep, and look your best, good luck.

Critical thinking – what did Besty do well in her interview? What could she have improved?

How can a candidate prepare for an interview?

How can a candidate prepare for and respond to behavioral/situational questions?

Job Interview

How To Ace a Job Interview

You will need:

Professional outfit

Briefcase or portfolio


Positive attitude

Step 1 Do your research

Connect the company’s needs to your skills

Step 2 Arrive a few minutes early

Step 3 dress up to give the visual impressions where you belong

Step 4 meet nice with any employee you’ll waiting

Step 5 dry and firm handshakes

Step 6 make sure your resume and are up to date

Steps 7 listen as much as you talk

Prepare answers in advance to any tough questions that may come up.

Step 8 put on a positive spirit on everything

Step 9 Don’t exaggerate your skills

Save the theatrics. You’re talking to a potential boss, not a long lost brother.

Step 10 Small, nod, and maintain eye contact

Step 11 before you leave, ask about the process and the actual timeline for the position

Step 12 Don’t forget to thank everyone on the way out. When you get home, mail a handwritten note to each person you spoke with.

Microsoft used to ask applicants “why are manhole covers round?” to test th How to Ace a Job Interview

Job Interview Skills

what kind of person are you looking for this job?

subconcious communication

Subconscious communication – non verbal clues –

Eye contact – show interest to ppl who are you talking to

If not – miss info

Problem: not ask right question

What are you looking for the kind of person for the position? What are the criteria when you looking for the kind of person for this kind of job function?

When you get the information, you can Present specifically for the background, when during the interview, they say, tell me about yourself, to start

Tell me to explain them specifically about myself and for the position, what kind of person you are looking for this job, and they start to tell you that we need someone that works alone or work with ppl or someone that has this kind of specific skills, now that you gonna tailor your background to okay, well, I work great with ppl, that what I’ve been doing or volunteering that event that I work with ppl, start to present the specific information about your background that fit specifically with the need of that position, and it not that only one person, for that many job interviewers , so be serious of ppl , manager, or human recourse manager all have different criteria for what is important for that position.

Mistake – clothing

Presenting yourself, branding yourself, if causal –will give miss message that are you professional for the position, so you want to dress either for the position or above, mean yo already for the position of management or position that you are looking for a promotion. What you are wearing – image – image of are you professional, are you the kind of person for the company. You want to pay attention to everything – the suit, the clothing, or even the shoes , you wanna make sure your shoes are polished.

Motion – make your move around in your job interview, your presentation, whatever you are talking, who are you talking to. Ppl have misconception of moving quickly and moving your task that they’re going to impress the person and expert say that if ppl move too quickly – they give the mis massage that ppl who are moving quickly, they are at the edge of losing control! So you manna slow down your motion to be more graceful?

When you think about ppl empower, - present a sense of confident and sense of control, then will quite confidence to the person they are talking to

Is that appropriate to send a thank you note to the person who was conduct the interview?

yes, you could – one is that you could follow up

- the other is appropriate that you also could – in your email – g pick? With picture, because the more they see you , they more then with you! And also if the interview is 10 to 20 ppl, you will be stand up more by flowing up, by reminding them you are, what you are good at., specifically why you are the right person of that position and also with your picture in there to remind them who you are

Job Interview Prep

Job Interview Success!

How to Interview for a Job & How to Conduct a Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : How to Dress for a Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : How to Make a Good First Impression in an Interview

How to Interview for a Job : How to Prepare for a Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : How to Answer Questions in Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : How to Address Red Flags in a Job

How to Interview for a Job : How to Address Salary in a Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : Dealing with Difficult Questions in Job Interviews

How to Interview for a Job : How to Sell Yourself in a Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : How to Follow Up After a Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : Skills Assessment for a Job Interview

How to Interview for a Job : How to Address Benefits in a job Interview

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Sell your Business to a Candidate

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Conduct a Resume Review

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Give a Company Overview

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Do a Skill & Experience Comparison

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Assess Skills of Job Candidate

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Begin and Interview as an Employer

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Address Concerns & Red Flags

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Address Current Situation with Job Candidate

How to Conduct a Job Interview : Making a Good Impression When Interviewing

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Re-Cap an Interview

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Address Salary in an Interview

How to Conduct a Job Interview : How to Close a Job Interview

Job Interview Bootcamp

Job Interview Bootcamp - Interviewing Strategy

# 1 equal

#2 what the interviewer is looking for

Job Interview Bootcamp - Preparing For The Interview

#1 conduct research on the company

#2 tailor your accomplishment

#3 know who you will be talking to

#4 Plan and prepare what you are going to wear

#5 take your materials with you

Job Interview Bootcamp - Answering Interview Questions

Job Interview Bootcamp - Questions You Should Ask

Prepare Questions that cover these 5 areas:

The position Responsibilities

Resources available to accomplish the job responsibilities

Level of authority

Performance Measurement

Company culture

Job Interview Bootcamp - Executing The Interview

10 things to do to perform your best in an interview

#1: Arrive early

#2: know about the position

#3.listen carefully about the questions

#4. always be positive

#5 tailor your reume.

#6. Delay Salary discussions

#7 Make the interview a conversation

#8 know what the next steps are after the interview

#9 complete your notes.

#10 Send a Follow-up letter.

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Deciding What You Want in a Job

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Appropriate Attire for a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Appropriate Attire for a Job Interview Pt 2

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Should You Wear Revealing Attire to a Job Interview?

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Should You Wear Cologne to a Job Interview?

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : All About Job Interviews & Business Cards

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : The Importance of the Handshake in a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : How to Interview for an Entry Level Job

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : How to Stay Calm in a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Popular Job Interview Questions

talk about yourself - in the job environment

weakness – in the work place

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Popular Job Interview Questions Pt 2

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : What to Expect in a Job Interview Salary Negotiation

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Questions to Ask During a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Evaluating Job Salary on the Cost of Living

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : How to Negotiate Your Salary in a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Knowing the Company Salary for Job Interviews

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : All About Salary Negotiations for Job Interviews

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : How to Be Courteous During a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : How to Handle Rude Job Interviewers Pt 2

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : How to End a Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : What to Do After the Job Interview

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : Taking Calls After a Job Interview on a Private Phone

How to Prepare for a Job Interview : All About Phone Messages After the Job Interview


CareerOneJobs -Tips for Phone Interviews -Tips Awkward Interviews -Tips for Referees -Tips Salary Negotiations on Basic Manners -Tips for Your Resume' pt 2

Job Interview

Important questions to ask employers

Interview Tips: Tell me about yourself -- the GOOD answer

Tough Interview Question - "What is your greatest weakness?"

Job Interview Tip #1

do research, know the company’s business and the owner

Secrets of a Job Interview

remind the interviewer who you are.

Why you wanna work at..?

Why you gonna suit for this job, take the time to impress the person

What’s your biggest flaw

Good & bad ideas

How to Get Hired - Job Interview Tactics

Classic Job Interview Questions

What is your biggest weakness?

Pick something you have redressed

Use a recent example

Weakness can be viewed as strength

General Job Interview Skills

Professional Interviewing Skills

Interview Dos and Don'ts

weakness – avoid personality/ sth can be improved

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Job-Seeker's Glossary of Key Job-Hunting, Career, Job-Search, and Employment Terms

The definitive source for learning about career, job-hunting, and employment terms -- from your team at Quintessential Careers.

This glossary of job, career, and employment terms is designed to give job-seekers a quick definition -- and then provide links where you can find more details, samples, and much more information. If you're looking for a a job-hunting, employment-related, or career term that is not listed in the Job-Seeker's Glossary, please email the Webmaster.

Have questions about college lingo or other terminology? Check out our High School College-Bound and College Planning Glossary of Terms.

Accomplishments -- these are the achievements you have had in your career. These key points really help sell you to an employer -- much more so than everyday job duties or responsibilities. In your cover letters, resumes, and job interviews, focus on key career accomplishments -- especially ones that you can quantify. Read more.

Action Verbs -- The building blocks of effective cover letters and resumes. These concrete, descriptive verbs express your skills, assets, experience, and accomplishments. Avoid nondescriptive verbs such as "do," "work," and forms of the verb "to be." Instead, begin each descriptive section with an action verb. Almost every resume book has a list of great action verbs to choose from. Read more.

Assessments -- These tests ask you a series of questions and try to provide you with some sense of your personality and career interests. You shouldn't rely on the results of these tests by themselves, but the results can be a good starting point for discovering more about yourself and your interests and considering careers you may not have thought of. Read more.

Background Check -- Used by employers to verify the accuracy of the information you provide on your resume or job application -- and beyond. On the rise as prices fall on these services. Items checked include: employment verification, educational background/degrees, references, credit history, medical records, driving record, court records, criminal records, and more. Read more.

Behavioral Interview -- See Job Interviewing.

Benefits -- An important part of your compensation package, and part of the salary negotiation process. Note that every employer offers a different mix of benefits. These benefits may include paid vacations, company holidays, personal days, sick leave, life insurance, medical insurance, retirement and pension plans, tuition assistance, child care, stock options, and more. Can be worth anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of your salary. See also Compensation Package and Salary. Read more.

Career Activist -- Someone who is proactive in planning, evaluating, directing, and controlling his or her career rather than simply reacting as situations arise. (Some call this approach career mapping.) A career activist has an enduring interest in understanding and achieving his or her full career potential, while maximizing career marketability. Read more.

Career Assessment -- See Assessments.

Career Branding -- Helps define who you are, how you are great, and why you should be sought out. Branding is your reputation. Branding is about building a name for yourself, showcasing what sets you apart from other job-seekers, and describing the added value you bring to an employer. Read more.

Career Change -- Changing your occupation by devising a strategy to find new career choices. Most experts now predict that the average person will change careers three to five times over the course of his or her work life. Change may occur because you don't enjoy the work as much as you used to. Or maybe you can't progress further in your career. Read more.

Career Coach -- Also called career consultant, career adviser, work-life coach, personal career trainer, and life management facilitator. These professionals have been likened to personal trainers for your life/career, serving the role as your champion, cheerleader, advocate, mentor, partner, and sounding board on all issues related to your job or career search. Read more.

Career Exploration -- The process of finding a rewarding career path, as well as specific jobs within a particular career path. Think of career exploration and planning as building bridges from your current job/career to your next job/career. Read more

Career Fair -- There are many types of job and career fairs -- from those scheduled during Spring Break for college students to industry-specific fairs for professionals -- but they all have a common theme: a chance for a company to meet and screen a large volume of potential job candidates while simultaneously an opportunity for job-seekers to meet and screen a large number of employers. Read more.

Career Objective/Job Objective -- An optional part of your resume, but something you should contemplate whether you place it on your resume or not. It can sharpen the focus of your resume and should be as specific as possible -- and written in a way that shows how you can benefit the employer. Read more.

Career Passion -- One of the most important elements of personal happiness is being passionate about your career and your job. If you no longer have -- or never have had -- personal and professional fulfillment from your job, there is always time to discover a career for which you do have passion. Read more.

Career Planning -- The continuous process of evaluating your current lifestyle, likes/dislikes, passions, skills, personality, dream job, and current job and career path and making corrections and improvements to better prepare for future steps in your career, as needed, or to make a career change. Read more.

Career Portfolio -- See Job Skills Portfolio.

Career Research -- See Career Exploration.

Career Vision Statement -- A set of career goals that a job-seeker sets for the long-term, typically five years or more. The purpose of a career vision statement is to give you a clear direction for the future; it is a vision that has been committed to paper to guide you in making future choices.

Case Interview -- See Job Interviewing.

Chronological Resume -- See Resume.

Cold Call -- When a job-seeker approaches an employer (usually through an uninvited cover letter) who has not publicly announced any job openings. See hidden job market and cover letters. Read more. See also cover letters.

Company Research -- See Researching Companies.

Compensation Package -- The combination of salary and fringe benefits an employer provides to an employee. When evaluating competing job offers, a job-seeker should consider the total package and not just salary. See also Salary and Benefits. Read more.

Contract Employee -- Where you work for one organization (and its salary and benefit structure) that sells your services to another company on a project or time basis. Compare to freelancer.

Corporate Culture -- The collection of beliefs, expectations, and values shared by an organization's members and transmitted from one generation of employees to another. The culture sets norms (rules of conduct) that define acceptable behavior of employees of the organization. It's important for job-seekers to understand the culture of an organization before accepting a job. Read more.

Counter Offer/Counter Proposal -- A salary negotiation technique used by job-seekers when a job offer is not at an acceptable level. Almost all elements of a job offer are negotiable, including the salary, non-salary compensation, moving expenses, benefits, and job-specific issues. Read more.

Cover Letter -- Should always accompany your resume when you contact a potential employer. A good cover letter opens a window to your personality (and describes specific strengths and skills you offer the employer). It should entice the employer to read your resume. Read more. See also:

  • uninvited (cold contact) cover letter -- The most common type of cover letter, since such a large percentage (80-95 percent) of the job market is "closed," meaning the job openings are not advertised. Usually part of a direct mail campaign in which the job-seeker is trying to uncover hidden jobs. See a sample letter.
  • invited cover letter -- Written in response to an advertised opening, whether in a newspaper, trade publication, on the Internet, or even on the company's bulletin board. Employer expects -- and even welcomes the cover letters. See a sample letter.
  • referral cover letter -- An extremely effective type of cover letter that springs from networking efforts. The referral letter uses a name-dropping tactic as early as possible in the letter to attract the reader's attention and prompt an interview. See a sample letter.

Curriculum Vitae (CV) -- See Resume.

Declining Letter -- A letter sent to an employer to turn down a job offer. The writer should keep the door open in case he or she would like to approach the employer again someday. See a sample letter.

Degrees & Certifications -- Recognition bestowed on students upon completion of a unified program of study, including high school, trade schools, colleges and universities, and other agencies. Read more.

Diversity Job-Seekers -- Numerous disadvantaged groups -- women and minorities -- often face extra challenges in the job-search. Read more.

Dress for Success -- First coined by author John Malloy in the 1970s, the term Dress for Success signifies tailoring one's attire, grooming, and overall appearance toward making a great first impression in a job interview -- as well as maintaining a professional look while on the job to aid career advancement. Will dressing properly get you the job? Not by itself, but it will give you a competitive edge and help you make a positive first impression. Read more.

Electronic Resume (or E-Resume) -- A resume (see resume) that is sent to the employer electronically, either via email, by submitting to Internet job boards, or residing on their on Web page. Includes numerous formats of resumes linked by their mode of delivery. Read more.

Elevator Speech -- A a 15- to 30-second commercial that job-seekers use in a variety of situations (career fairs, networking events, job interviews, cold calling) that succinctly tells the person you are giving it to who you are, what makes you unique, and the benefits you can provide. Read more.

Email Cover Letter -- A cover letter (see Cover Letter) that is sent to the employer electronically via email. There are different rules that apply to writing these kind of cover letters, though the fundamental principles remain the same. Read more. See a sample letter.

Employment Gaps -- Are those periods of time between jobs when job-seekers are unemployed, either by choice or circumstances. Employers do not like seeing unexplained gaps on resumes, and there are numerous strategies for reducing the impact of these gaps on your future job-hunting. Read more.

Follow-Up -- An often overlooked and critical part of job-hunting. In the early phases of searching for a job, job-seekers must be proactive in showing continued interest in all job leads -- contacting employers after you've submitted your resume. Read more. Follow-up is also important after the job interview, first with a thank-you letter, but then also with contact expressing your interest and fit for the position. Read more.

Freelancer/Consultant/Independent Contractor -- Where you work for yourself and bid for temporary jobs and projects with one or more employers. Freelancing is not an alternative to hard work, but many people enjoy the freedom, flexibility, and satisfaction of working for themselves. Read more.

Franchising -- A legal and commercial relationship between the owner of a trademark, service mark, brand name, or advertising symbol (the franchisor) and an individual or organization (the franchisee) wishing to use that identification in a business. Read more.

Functional Resume -- See Resume.

Green Collar Jobs -- Jobs -- moving from both white-collar (professional) and blue-collar (trade) -- to positions in renewable-energy and energy-efficiency industries are on the rise. U.S. green-collar jobs could grow to as many as 40 million by 2030, according to a commissioned by the American Solar Energy Society.

Hidden Job Market -- Only about 5-20 percent of all job openings are ever publicly known, which results in about four-fifths of the job market being "closed," meaning you can't find out about any new openings unless you do some digging. Strategies for uncovering the hidden job market include networking and cold calling. Read more. See networking and cold calling.

Home-Based (Work-at-Home) Careers -- Numerous opportunities exist for job-seekers who want more control over time and work, who want job flexibility to spend more time with family -- by working from home. Unfortunately, this area is also one that has the most potential for scams and other fraudulent activities. Read more.

Informational Interviewing -- Just what it sounds like -- interviewing designed to produce information. What kind of information? The information you need to choose or refine a career path, learn how to break in and find out if you have what it takes to succeed. It's the process of spending time with one of your network contacts in a highly focused conversation that provides you with key information you need to launch or boost your career. Read more.

Internships --- One of the best types of work experiences for entry-level job-seekers because a majority of employers say experience is the most important factor in whether you're hired. Internships involve working in your expected career field, either during a semester or over the summer. Besides gaining valuable experience, you get exposed to the business environment and gain valuable references and network contacts. Read more.

Interview -- See Job Interviewing.

Job Application -- Sometimes also referred to as an Application for Employment. Many organizations require you to complete an application (either to get an interview or prior to an interview). Even though many of the questions duplicate information from your resume, it is extremely important to complete the application neatly, completely, and accurately. Read more.

Job Boards -- Also referred to as Job Sites. There are five levels or types of job boards: general job boards (such as and, industry-specific job boards (such as, geographic-specific job boards (such as, job-seeker specific "niche" boards (such as, and company career centers (such as Read more.

Job Clubs -- Sometimes known as networking clubs or job-finding clubs, enables you to expand your network of contacts -- and also serves as a key support group when the job-hunt is longer or harder than you expected. A great tool for job-hunting, and job-seekers can either join an existing club or start your own! Read more.

Job Fair -- See Career Fair.

Job-Hunting Etiquette -- There are certain rules or protocols that should guide a job-seeker's conduct while job-hunting. Some people call these rules good manners, but more refer to them as business etiquette. Read more.

Job-Hunting on the Internet -- Not a magic elixir that will guarantee that you find a job, but still a door to opportunities and techniques not available before the advent of the Net. Most job-seekers should spend no more than about 20 percent of their time and effort looking for a job online, though job-seekers in the technology/computer industry might be wise to spend up to 50 percent of their time looking for a job online. Read more.

Job Interviewing -- All about making the best matches. Both the employer and the job-seeker want to determine if the fit is right between them. First impressions are key (see "dress for success"), and preparation is critical to interviewing success. Read more. See also:

  • screening interviews -- usually conducted by a member of the human resources department, the screening interview is designed to weed out unqualified candidates. Providing facts about your skills is more important than establishing rapport.
  • traditional interviews -- uses broad-based questions such as, "why do you want to work for this company," and "tell me about your strengths and weaknesses." Interviewing success or failure is more often based on the job-seeker's ability to communicate and establish rapport than on the authenticity or content of their answers. Read more.
  • behavioral interviews -- based on the premise that past performance is the best indicator of future behavior and uses questions that probe specific past behaviors, such as "tell me about a time where you confronted an unexpected problem" and "tell me about an experience when you failed to achieve a goal." Read more.
  • panel/group interviews -- uses a committee of people, usually around a table, asking questions. The key to this type of interview is to balance eye contact with both the person who asked the question and the remainder of the group.
  • case interviews -- used primarily by management-consulting firms to determine how well suited you are to the consulting field. Case interviews measure problem-solving ability, tolerance for ambiguity, and communication skills along several dimensions. The idea is to find out how well you identify, structure, and think through problems. Read more.
  • situational interviews -- sometimes also referred to as a scenario-based (problem-solving) interview, where the job-seeker is placed in a hypothetical situation (such as dealing with an irate customer), and is judged by how well s/he reacts to complex information and ability to resolve problem and arrive at solutions. Read more.
  • stress interviews -- usually are a deliberate attempt to see how you handle yourself under pressure. The interviewer may be sarcastic or argumentative, or may keep you waiting. Expect these things to happen, and when it does, don't take it personally. Calmly answer each question as it comes. Also called intimidation interviews. Read more.
  • phone interviews -- have only one purpose: to decide if there is a good enough match to justify a site visit. Make sure to set a specific time for your telephone interview -- not just "sometime this week." Read more.

Job Offer -- See Offer of Employment.

Job Satisfaction -- A term to describe how content an individual is with his or her job. It includes many factors, including the work itself, value to the organization, impact on organization, compensation, and more.When workers are very unhappy with their jobs, they suffer both mentally and physically. Read more.

Job Search Agent -- A program offered by many job boards that allows job-seekers to passively search for jobs by selecting criteria for new job postings. At some time interval, the program emails the job-seeker a list of new job postings that fit the criteria, allowing the job-seeker to decide whether to take any action.

Job-Search Domino Effect -- States that five key phases comprise any good job search, and if you ignore any one of them or conduct one poorly, the likelihood of a successful job search decreases dramatically -- just as if you pulled a domino out of a row of dominos. Read more.

Job Shadowing -- One of the most popular work-based learning activities because it provides job-seekers with opportunities to gather information on a wide variety of career possibilities before deciding where they want to focus their attention. Job shadows involve brief visits to a variety of workplaces, during which time you "shadow," observe, and ask questions of individual workers. Read more.

Job Skills -- The skills you need to do a particular job. For example, an accountant needs to have good math and accounting skills; a doctor needs to have good medical, scientific, and personal skills.

Job Skills Portfolio -- Also referred to as a Career Portfolio, a job-hunting tool a job-seeker develops to give employers a complete picture of who you are, including samples of your work -- your experience, your education, your accomplishments, your skill sets -- and what you have the potential to become -- much more than just a cover letter and resume can provide. Read more.

Key Accomplishments -- An optional part of your resume, but one that is growing in use -- especially with scannable (text-based) resumes. This section should summarize (using nouns as keywords and descriptors) your major career accomplishments. Sometimes also referred to as "Summary of Accomplishments," "Qualifications Summary," or simply "Accomplishments." For more details, see resume.

Keyword Resume -- See Resume.

Keywords -- Nouns and noun phrases that relate to the skills and experience that employers use to recall resumes scanned into a database. Keywords can be precise "hard" skills -- job-specific/profession-specific/industry-specific skills, technological terms and descriptions of technical expertise, job titles, certifications, names of products and services, industry buzzwords, etc. Read more.

Letter of Acceptance -- Used to confirm the offer of employment and the conditions of the offer; i.e., salary, benefits, starting employment date, etc. It is always a good idea to get the entire offer in writing. See a sample letter.

Letter of Agreement -- A brief letter outlining the conditions of employment. Whether initiated by the employer or the candidate, it is always a good idea to get your entire offer in writing. Sometimes is form-based or may even be an employment contract. See also salary and salary negotiation.

Letter of Interest -- See Cover Letter.

Letter of Recommendation -- A letter of support for your skills, ability, and work ethic, usually written by a former boss or co-worker, but could also be from a teacher or personal reference. Good for applying to graduate school, but seen as fairly worthless in job-hunting because no one who would write you a recommendation letter would say anything negative about you. See reference list.

Low-Wage Worker/Low-Wage Job -- Call them low-wage workers employed in low-paying, minimal or no-benefit jobs. Call them exploited or the working poor. Call them living (barely) from paycheck to paycheck with no job security. Call them under-educated, under-trained, and under-respected. Call them job-seekers stuck in dead-end jobs. But, whatever you do, do not call them low-skilled or lazy. Read more.

Mentor -- A person at a higher level within a company or within your profession who counsels you and helps guide your career. Some organizations have formal mentoring systems, while most informal mentoring relationships develop over time. A mentor relationship is one where the outcome of the relationship is expected to benefit all parties in the relationship for personal growth, career development, lifestyle enhancement, spiritual fulfillment, goal achievement, and other areas mutually designated by the mentor and partner. Read more.

Moonlighting -- The experience of working multiple jobs (also referred to as dual or multiple jobholding). People working multiple jobs come from just about every demographic group. Appears to be on the rise. Read more.

Networking -- Involves developing a broad list of contacts -- people you've met through various social, professional, and business functions -- and encouraging them assist you in looking for a job. People in your network may be able to give you job leads, offer you advice and information about a particular company or industry, and introduce you to others so that you can expand your network. Read more.

Non-Traditional Careers -- Careers in which fewer than 25 percent of the workforce is of one gender. There are many pros and cons for job-seekers considering working in a non-traditional career path. Read more.

Occupational Outlook Handbook -- Published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, this guide provides detailed information on more than 250 occupations. The Handbook discusses the nature of the work and the typical working conditions for persons in each occupation. In addition, it details the requirements for entry and the opportunities for advancement. Read more.

Offer of Employment -- An offer by an employer to a prospective employee that usually specifies the terms of an employment arrangement, including starting date, salary, benefits, working conditions. Also called a job offer. Read more.

Older (Mature) Workers -- Job-seekers who are older than 45 face more challenges in the job-search than other types of job-seekers. Read more

Overqualified -- A label employers often use on mid-career job-seekers who appear to have one of three flaws: too many years of experience, too much education, too highly paid in current or previous job. Read more.

Passive Job-Search -- A strategy where employed workers stay prepared for new job and career opportunities by maintaining a current resume, continuing to network, staying registered with one or more job-search agents. You are not openly on the job market, but keep an interest in new possibilities.

Personal Mission Statement -- Helps job-seekers identify their core values and beliefs. Writing a personal mission statement offers the opportunity to establish what抯 important and perhaps make a decision to stick to it before we even start a career. Or it enables us to chart a new course when we抮e at a career crossroads. Read more.

Phone Interview -- See Job Interviewing.

Portfolio Career -- A situation where instead of working a traditional full-time job, job-seekers work multiple part-time jobs (including part-time employment, temporary jobs, freelancing, and self-employment) with different employers that when combined are the equivalent of a full-time position. Portfolio careers offer more flexibility, variety, and freedom, but also require organizational skills as well as risk tolerance. Read more.

Quarterlife Crisis -- A period in your twenties marked by high anxiety about your career -- and finding your 搕rue� career, multiple job and/or career changes, fears and self-doubt about achieving career and personal goals, depression, and feeling lost or adrift. Experts say that the crisis hits folks in their twenties, because after years of learning the system of how to succeed in school, college grads are thrown into the world of work with no real understanding of how to succeed in it. Read more.

Questions -- Toward the end of most job interviews, the interviewer will give the job-seeker an opportunity to ask questions. Doing so shows your interest in the position and employer. The key is to ask at least a few questions -- and not easily answered questions (such as, "what are your major product lines?") that you should know from your research, but thoughtfully prepared questions. Read more.

Recareering -- A trendy term for career-change, especially as it applies to Baby Boomers who when facing retirement age and tired of a long career performing one kind of work decide to change careers. (Sometimes also referred to as Career 2.0, yet another trendy term.) For more details, see Career Change.

Recruiters/Headhunters/Executive Search Firms -- Professionals who are paid by employers to find candidates for specific positions. They often recruit candidates, but job-seekers can also approach them. Often specialize by industry or geographic region. Avoid any firms that require you to pay for their services. Read more.

Reference List -- Sometimes also referred to as a Reference Sheet. Simply a listing -- with key contact information -- of your references. Never include references on your resume or cover letter; they should be listed on a separate references sheet that matches the look of your resume. Never provide a list of references to an employer unless you are requested to do so. Read more. See these sample reference lists.

References -- A group of people who will say good things about you and who know specifics strengths that you offer. Can include work references (current and past supervisors), educational references (former teachers or school administrators), and personal references (who can speak of your character). Always ask people before including them as a reference for you. Read more.

Researching Companies -- The process of gathering information about a company, its products, its locations, its corporate culture, its financial successes. This information is extremely valuable in a job interview where you can show off your knowledge of the company, and can also help you in writing your cover letter. Read more.

Resigning/Resignations -- When you decide it's time to quit your job (also referred to as giving notice), it's always better to submit your official resignation -- with your industry's customary amount of notice. Whenever possible, do not leave on bad terms with your employer. Read more.

Resume -- A key job-hunting tool used to get an interview, it summarizes your accomplishments, your education, as well as your work experience, and should reflect your special mix of skills and strengths. Read more. See also:

  • chronological resumes -- a resume organized by your employment history in reverse chronological order, with company/job titles/accomplishments/dates of employment. Read more.
  • electronic resumes -- see electronic resume above.
  • functional resumes -- a resume organized by skills and functions; bare-bones employment history often listed as a separate section. Read more.
  • keyword resumes -- an e-resume typically identified by a keyword summary (and heavy usage of keywords throughout resume) that emphasizes key nouns and phrases. See keywords above. Read more.
  • scannable resumes -- a resume that has been prepared to maximize the job seeker's visibility in an electronic resume database or electronic resume tracking system. Becoming somewhat less important as more and more companies simply request electronic versions of resumes. Read more.
  • text resumes -- also referred to as text-based or ASCII resumes, a resume that has been prepared to maximize the job seeker's visibility in an electronic resume database or electronic resume tracking system. Read more.
  • Web-based resume -- a resume that resides on the Web. A Web-based resume can range from quite ordinary to very elaborate. Fundamental principles of good resume writing, content, and design apply. Read more.
  • Curriculum Vitae -- also called a CV or vita and similar to a resume, but more formal, and includes a detailed listing of items beyond the typical resume items, such as publications, presentations, professional activities, honors, and additional information. Tends to be used by international job-seekers, and those seeking a faculty, research, clinical, or scientific position. Read more. Review some Sample CVs.

Salary -- Financial compensation an employee receives for performing the job, and part of your compensation package. Can be determined by hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Also can include overtime pay, bonuses, and commissions. See also Benefits and Compensation Package. Read more.

Salary History -- Some employers will request that you submit a salary history. A salary history tells them the level and frequency of your promotions. It should be separate page from your resume or cover letter. Be sure to include the full compensation you received in each job, not just salary information. By providing a salary history, you sometimes place yourself in a precarious position of either pricing yourself out of the position or appearing to be at a lower level than the company seeks. Read more.

Salary Negotiation -- An extremely important process in which job-seekers attempt to obtain the best compensation package possible, based on skills and experience, the industry salary range, and the company's guidelines. See also Benefits, Compensation Package, and Salary. Read more.

Salary Requirements -- Some employers may ask you to state the salary you require for a specific job opening. You've got to be careful here. If your salary requirement is too high, you won't get an offer. If it's too low, you won't get what you're worth. The best strategy is to state that you're open to any fair offer and are willing to negotiate. Read more.

Scannable Resume -- See Resume.

Situational Interview -- See Job Interviewing.

Stress Interview -- See Job Interviewing.

Summer Jobs/Part-Time Jobs for Teens -- Whether it's to gain experience, earn some spending money, or save for college, getting a summer or part-time job is almost a rite of passage for most teens. Teens are often limited to certain types of jobs and hours worked per week. Read more.

Survival Job -- Typically a low-end, low-paying job that a displaced job-seeker takes on a temporary basis (often as a last resort) to cover basic living costs, in order to survive and avoid bankruptcy -- or worse. Read more.

Telecommuting -- Also referred to as Teleworking, is a employment arrangement where the employee works one or more days from a remote location, often an office in the employee's home. For job-seekers seeking increased job flexibility and reduced commuting times and costs and for employers seeking a better balance of morale and work efficiency. Read more.

Temping -- Working short employment stints with a variety of clients, usually through a temping agency or staffing firm. Previously temps were mostly administrative, but job-seekers can now find temping agencies covering most professions. Temping is great for building resume, learning skills, networking -- and job flexibility and variety. See also Temporary Agency. Read more.

Temporary (Temp) Agency/Staffing Firms -- Companies that place workers in jobs on a contract or temporary basis. Some provide training. Many are specialized (professional, clerical, computing, accounting, etc.). See also Temping. Read more.

Testing -- An increasing number of employers are using a variety of career and skill-based tests to screen job applicants. Thus, you may be asked to take any number of tests during your job search, from aptitude and personality tests to honesty and drug tests.

Text Resume -- See Resume.

Thank You Letters -- After every interview, you should send a letter thanking each person who interviewed you. It抯 just common courtesy, and only a small percentage of job-seekers actually perform this crucial ritual, so you'll stand out from the crowd. Read more.

Transferable Skills -- Skills you have acquired during any activity in your life -- jobs, classes, projects, parenting, hobbies, sports, virtually anything -- that are transferable and applicable to what you want to do in your next job. Read more

Underqualified -- The underqualified or just plain unqualified label most often plagues new graduates with limited experience, as well as career-changers whose experience is outside the area they now wish to pursue. Read more.

USP -- An advertising term -- unique selling proposition -- that refers to the one thing about a product that makes it distinct from all others. In job-hunting, job-seekers need to find the one thing that makes you more qualified for this job than anyone else. What can you offer that no other applicant can? Read more.

Vita -- See Resume.

Volunteering -- Offering your services free of charge, typically to a not-for-profit organization. Some college graduates volunteer right after college before starting their careers, which job-seekers considering a career change can use volnteering work as a great tool to gain experience in a new career field, as well as establish new networking contacts. Read more.

Workaholism -- A condition where work becomes all-consuming, becoming more important than personal or family obligations. The person lives for his or her work, has only work friends, rarely takes time off, and is always in communication with the office. Does not function well outside work. Read more.

Workplace Values -- Concepts and ideas that define a job-seeker and influence your satisfaction -- not only with your job, but with your life. Job-seekers should perform a values check every few years to make sure your career is on track. Read more.

See also our Job-Seeker's Glossary of Key Marketing Terms